Ten Tough Questions Wives and Partners Ask

Ten Tough Questions Wives and Partners Ask


Course Audio Materials:

Intro (15:41)

1.Why didn’t I know what was really going on? (13:20)

2. How can I ever trust myself again? (13:53)

3. Will I ever stop crying? (14:45)

4. Is there any hope? (16:03)

5. Now that he’s in treatment, why is he still treating me so badly? (12:53)

6. Can I find peace about the years I can’t get back? (11:40)

7. Why does he talk to me like he’s reciting lines? (11:06)

8.Will I ever recover? (12:16)

9. Is couple’s counselling going to help? (09:44)

10. What is the most important thing to do for my recovery? (14:03)

Course Print Materials:

46 page print resource

In the accompanying print material, you can review the audio text and work with the reflection prompts offered for each question.

This is a "straight-talking" presentation where I share what I have learned so far, and how I respond to those questions now. In this respect it is not intended for wives and partners in the early days of discovery. It assumes you are further along the journey in understanding your situation and your options.

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